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  • Back to being able to listen to music again! :D
    @ErikaS hormones play havoc on my ringing! Flares up once a month uggh lol I'm noticing a pattern ever so slowly.
    I'm sorry @ErikaS don't give up hope I'm still rooting for you! Are you still planning your mini vacation trip? I probably won't ever have a success story. I had a few good weeks then relapsed then good weeks again then relapse. I feel it'll be like this till a cure is created
    @Sammy0225 so sorry to hear of the relapses. But truth be told, you'll hear that in success stories. Some saying "started to improve little by little, with setbacks for sure". I feel like this could just be the next stage of healing that you're in for some time, then you will make a notable bigger step forward. Hope that makes sense, wish it all for us <3
    Don't hang me for this. But progress has increased tremendously after being forced into semi-loudish environments & stopped over protecting
    @Sammy0225 That's amazing news!! Gives me hope that I can also improve. Do you mind me asking what you mean by controlled healing? My TTTS is my most bothersome symptom so I'm always looking for ways to help it get better. Do you think time, patience, and anxiety reduction played a part in your progress as well (regarding the TTTS)?
    When I had H and T, it was because of overprotection. The only thing when you have H is to go slowly out. It will trigger T first and then nothing. That is what happened to me for H.
    Yay @Sammy0225 im so glad to see you healing my friend :')
    Reactivity is 89% gone and TTTS is 90% .. back to eating crunchy food H is still a work in progress winding up T is still very present.
    This is great news, enjoy the crunchy foods!
    @ErikaS so my baseline has decreased even lower .. now some days I'm only able to hear a low sizzling hiss. When I spike the frequency doesn't turn high pitch anymore but the volume of my T raises a few notches higher. But it's nothing I can't handle (:
    Dude i just started getting it right now, hope it goes away in a few days. I had an MRI a few days back and i used ear muffs and ear plugs but maybe the vibration is still have my ears trauma? Ttts feels so weird and came out of nowhere.
    Hey man, I read you had electrical high pitch zapp, did it went away ?
    I had it once but it went away quick, but right now it has been 2,5 months. Still waking me up in the middle of the night even if it's getting better.
    Thank you for your feedback !
    That's great to hear !
    Were you waking at night/in the morning with it or was it more like just during the day?
    Yea man it really has no limits day and night I wasn't getting much sleep maybe 3 hours a night? I started taking magnesium glycinate 450mg alot of the electrical sensations slowly calmed. Maybe it was magnesium that helped. Are you taking any vitamins? I still have a electric hissing though sounds like a pit of electric snakes fighting
    I am taking magnesium also because it helped me the first time.
    Were you on benzodiazépine before or SSRI ?
    You still have it then ? Is it bad ? Can you sleep ?
    Hi everyone! :D
    @Sammy0225 , thanks man. Big congrats to you. Your turnaround has been spectacular to see, I must say. Seeing people legit improve here will always be a win for me.
    Hey @Sammy0225 ! How've you been? :) looks like there's progress, congrats :3
    Hi @Moni97 ! Yea definitely been making progress but only after pushing baby steps. Shit like foil and chip bags I've been practicing my tolerance on. Loudness H seems to be my main concern ATM. How are u doing??
    @Jsm_Joestar yea definitely man was just saying the same thing lol how's the new audio system any new tips or advise for tweaking the equilizer??
    @Sammy0225 Its hard to say how my audio system is. I think its good because the sound is very clear and i dont have to raise the volume to much. I think(and hope) i irritated my earcanal because im feeling alot of pain in my left ear and it triggers when moving my head and other movements. Im going to try and see if the pain is just from ear irriation.
    @Sammy0225 I gotta say since getting my new setup i havent noticed my T spiking up that much. I dont have any advice to give for the equilizer but like you said its probably good to lower the high freguiqensies. You could mainly keep the freq from human voices and see what that does
    Hope your quieter, less reactive streak has continued for the most part :)
    It definitely has I don't think I have much reactivity I still have daily spikes but I can do much more now

    I go to the park daily and been teaching my youngest to play socker I come back home with no spikes. Also been drawing and playing simulator games with no ringing until I stop playing and notice it :) not sure what's happening but I'm going with it ^.^ hope all is well my friend <3
    This is great progress seeing that a few months ago I was in reactive hell living in the restroom. Most days have been picnics at moderately loud park. God has been good to me lately. I pray he brings more healing to us all <3
    @Sammy0225 amazing all around <3 praying you only keep improving !
    No Tinnitus in my right ear and faint in my left. Idk wtf to think. Going bk to the park today. BBQ for the fam
    I wanna add something here guys that I just realized ...last night I ate a crap ton of talapia so maybe B12? Idk just spit guessing noise with higher frequencys bother the shit out of my ears thanks for the positive encouragement my friends @ErikaS @NYCGuy @Strawberryblonde <3
    Awesome news! I hope that you get these kind of days more often and hopefully in the path of being completely healed of tinnitus. Your symptoms sound similar to mine so it gives me hope.
    Don't get over zealous. Better to play safe for longer than you would want to.
    Went out for pizza and shopping for my sons birthday today. No spikes (': .. at the ice cream shop now.. no reactivity T is 1.5.
    Side note @Sammy0225 , love the new picture! At least if you're not feeling good, ya look good ^-^
    Awe thanks moni I appreciate the compliment my friend! T and H can't take everything away from us!! Hehe ^.^
    Can't find a job with reactive T guess I'll just have to result to creating onlyfans and feet fetish pics. :3 lol
    @Sammy0225 Have you noticed anything after configuring the equilizer?
    Sorry the late reply @Jsm_Joestar been trying to keep busy ^^ and yes big difference!! Changing the higher frequencys made things like glass breaking and gun shots on TV shows less sharp and high frequency. My ears haven't spiked yet so thank you so much for introducing the idea ^.^ no only fans yet but shit it's definitely thinking on it lmao
    Great to hear Sammy. Im glad that i could help you. Im going to try and configure my moms tv so it bothers me less aswell. Today i went to a hifi speaker shop and got a whole lesson about quality and what to look for. Check out my page ill write something about it.
    Winding up Tinnitus. Starts low and ends high pitch by night time. Bed resets it. This shit sucks
    Woke up last night to 10/10 loud fleeting Tinnitus lasted 2hrs was so scared. What a nightmare
    @Moni97 a bit better today! But shit who knows when it'll be a stubborn child again. It's so unpredictable :(
    I've had a 2 hour fleeting tinnitis before too, and like yours it was during the night. Don't think it affected anything. Bill Bauer, a well read and educated sufferer, said that fleeting tinnitus was your brain sending test signals to inner ear (in order to assess fault, to recalibrate?) I don't mind fleeting tinnitus now, in fact I feel assured by it.
    @Sammy0225 man, I know .-. Who knew the ears had their own form of PMS.
    Yo Sammy im responding here because i dont want to take over Lanterns Wall. From what i know you can emulate tenkachi on the steam deck right? a friend of mine did that with budokai 1. I have watched demon slayer and im even up to date with the manga so if you wanna talk about it go ahead broski.
    Words that start with "s" or "sh" physically make my ears clinch. Is this typical H? Hearing a sneeze is the worst. TTTS or H?
    That sounds like H.. I'm trying to remember but didn't you say right in the beginning you had difficulty hearing "s" and "Sh" or was it sensitivity to those sounds?
    @ErikaS yup definitely H now that I've asked around I found a few others who experience the same thing. Thankfully I can hear the s and sh syllables so don't think it's hearing loss but the H makes it's very uncomfortable to hear almost a scratchy ear drum sensation or nails on a chalk board
    Went out and filed my taxes, afterwards I went out to eat with a small group of friends. now I'm bk home watching movies. Today was a win
    @Sammy0225 so happy for you and PROUD of you. It takes a very strong person to claw their way through the hells of this condition and strive to be on the other side. I am starting to feel I've gotten what I need from TT and may be leaving for a little to really put my mind on positivity and a way forward. I know what I need to know, now I got to do my own thing to try to make my way to the other side.
    Your strong @ErikaS don't ever doubt yourself. You will make it through the other side. Our symptoms are very similar and I'm really hoping the best for us both ♥️
    I will add on here that I still have mainly 2 tones the hissing and the ringing.
    the first few months the ringing turned to a sharper frequency when exposed to sound not the volume but the sharpness. These days it still does but it takes more to get to that point if that makes sense. The sharpness usually resets after sleep to my baseline. I'm coming to terms that If this is how it's going to be then I can live with it. @ErikaS
    @Sammy0225 its been really helpful to read your posts it's a hard long game but I know we can all get there! As many have alluded to on this forum there are some potential treatments that are on their way, there's always hope take care
    Update for ending of January In the comments (aside from last week's setbacks)
    @ErikaS Have you had covid recently? The wine glass noise is how I was explaining my new noise. I got it from covid. It goes up and down and I'm almost 2 weeks in with it. Praying it goes away. I hate the new noise.
    @ErikaS I agree 100% I feel majority of the health care workers are over worked and extremely exhausted. I strongly believe that we can salvage some of the hearing loss in the first 2yrs. If we are careful.
    @SamRosemary i did not, I have cought a cold/virus a few times since T onset and it always exacerbated it. Mine is like wine glass mixed in with mosquito sound. It stays at one frequency (high) but becomes pretty intrusive. Then it can be more of a hiss minutes later. Always changing. Not ideal at all.
    6 days for setbacks to resolve. Reactiveness is also calming down, was able to mask the tones for a good hour. Back to sound enrichment
    @Sammy0225 what is this option of getting a nerve burned off??
    so some people get the nerve removed to stop TTTS/MEM symptoms of thumping or spasms in the ear. But this comes with the risk of developing hyperacusis cause the nerve that is removed is what protects and dampens your ears from loud sudden sounds.
    For me the spasms are not bad, they only happen when something like a remote falls on the ground but unfortunately for others it can be non stop all day with little to no relief @ErikaS some describe the noise as someone constantly tapping a microphone in your ear or for others a loud thump. For me My ears spasms but magnesium has helped alot
    There is a doctor here on TT, and when I'm reading his responses I narrate his voice as Dr.phil in my head lmao somethings wrong with me
    Hey, how are you doing today, @Sammy0225 ? Hope things are settling down for you! :)
    Thank you for checking on me @Moni97 (':

    Unfortunately not to good yet another setbacks a loud slam of the broom sent my ears into another shock and Morse code has come back I'm hoping progress I made will not be effected. How are you holding up??
    Aw I'm so sorry to hear that. :c I'm hoping so too. And I'm alright, thank you for asking :) had my first ok day since Fri. Hoping it continues cuz I've been feeling pretty bad lately.
    Usually I spread positivity here but damn a (85DB) sneeze fucked my shit up. Gotta always be one step ahead with this shit
    @Ondine thank you for checking up on me {: the last couple of days definitely tested my patience. I hope your doing okay as well my friend ^•^
    Should be fine. Sneezing is something mankind has been doing since the dawn of time. There's not going to be permanent damage.
    @ZFire you are definitely right man I'm usually spreading positivity but this past week phonophobia snuck back up. Thanks for the reassurance my man
    My LDL level is about (80DB) the average person is (90+). I Would be in heaven if it could get back to the 90 range with no spikes -_-
    @Sammy0225 Thanks for asking. Have had one of my most difficult weeks this past week. Reactivity is still a bitch, and lack of sleep doesn't seem to help it. I just want to see some type of improvement, not steady standstill or worsening.
    Ugh I know how you feel @ErikaS usually I try staying positive on here but this week it kicked my ass the setbacks made the reactivity sky rocket I'm still hopeful you will make good progress keep your chin up it won't stay this way forever
    Just documenting progress since writing this my LDL level is sitting about 86DB give or take ( 9 months)
    5 days of almost silence but I think my son broke the streak by sneezing loud by me. We'll see ….(>.<)….
    Thank you for your tips below in your profile write up. Seriously so happy for you, and I just want to commend you on how you didn't do any meds, and I really think that was to your advantage. But how did you deal with the panic and anxiety initially and lack of sleep? I consider myself a strong person, but things got scary when I wasn't sleeping.
    I also have Palinacousis, do you still get the mimicry?
    I don't thankfully it lasted two months before going away how long have your experienced this? It definitely is unsettling I figured it was from anxiety until I discovered the term palinacousis
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