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  1. S

    What's a Safe PPI Medication for Acid Reflux/Heartburn?

    I take Lansoprozole, I don’t think it affects the tinnitus.
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    Tinnitus and Vertigo — Can They Be Related?

    @PAUL BARKER. Sorry you have this miserable condition, as I’m sorry anybody has. I’m similar to you, but my dizziness comes and goes still. I have had a TIA and the tinnitus is from the damage, but there is no explanation for the room spinning vertigo. I’ve had MRI scan, and seen ENT and...
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    Best AFib (Atrial Fibrillation) Heart Medication for Tinnitus Sufferer?

    Right, firstly, I suffered a TIA from undiagnosed Afib 7 years ago. So please, do take the meds prescribed, it’s no joke having a stroke, and even a small one which has left me with hearing loss, balance issues and very intrusive tinnitus. I started on Bisoprolol which is the standard treatment...
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    What Are the Odds of an MRI Causing Hearing Damage?

    I have had numerous MRI scans and due another soon, it’s always loud, they give you foam plugs and muffs, but the muffs are always far too big and slip off! I always tell the technician I have very severe tinnitus, and they do their best to keep the protective measures in place. Just don’t give...
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    Caloric Test

    Hello, I need some advice please from anybody who has had the Vestibluar Tests done. I’m due the tests, including caloric test next week, and due to fly two days after. It’s to determine if I have Ménière’s. Does the test make you feel dizzy for long after? Worried about the flight.
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    To Make You Smile

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    Dizziness and Off Balance — Anybody Else Have That Along with Tinnitus?

    Yes, I have dizzy spells and feel off balance. Sometimes the feeling is definitely vertigo.
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    Announcement Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!

    May 2019 be the year there is a breakthrough for us all here. I don’t wish for prosperity, just peace and quiet. xx
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    Hearing Protection for MRI Exam?

    The trouble with taking your own ear protection, ear muffs is that during the MRI they need to speak to you through the speaker, and you’ll need to be able to hear and respond. I’ve had a few MRI's and they always give you both foam plugs and ear muffs, just make sure they fit snugly. Good luck.
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    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    There are times when I really need support for intrusive, relentless tinnitus, but this forum, particularly this thread just makes us more depressed. I’m really surprised admin haven’t turned off comments. Sad.
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    Blood Thinners and Tinnitus

    I’m on warfarin and it makes no difference, my tinnitus is loud, intrusive whatever I take but it’s not made worse by anticoagulants. Take it, and don’t worry, the resulting stroke that can be caused by arrhythmia is worse than tinnitus, I know.
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    Really Struggling — I Could Do with Some Support

    @glynis I’m so very sorry that you’re down, and I’m in it with you, but we are strong and will bounce back. It is singularly the most dreadful affliction, all we can do is battle through each day until we feel better. You have my thoughts. Bless you, all you do for others, we are here for you.
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    2 Years 8 Months with Tinnitus and No Sign of Habituation, Feeling Suicidal

    Ive had tinnitus since 2012, its forever fluctuating and ive never habituated. However, i try not to let it get me down. It can do for sure, but generally I manage. Right now its on a roll. Very loud, buzzing both ears, headache making, but im still happy. Just distract yourself, go walking...
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    Support and Advice Needed for Ménière’s

    @glynis I can’t see how to pm you. Will do it via messenger
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    Support and Advice Needed for Ménière’s

    Thanks for all the replies. I’m not sure I have attacks as such, yes, I have dizzy spells, but I’m constantly feeling nauseated and fuzzy, with as @glynis says, severe bilateral very very high pitched tinnitus. A feeling of fullness in my right ear and my face feels odd. AND IFFY BALANCE. I’m...
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    Support and Advice Needed for Ménière’s

    Good morning fellow Tinnitusites. Having had the SSHL six years ago now, caused by a TIA from a previously undiagnosed heart condition, I have now been diagnosed with possibly Ménière’s. I know @glynis has this. I’m having vertigo in the night, nausea and aural fullness, distorted hearing and...
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    Increased Tinnitus without Hearing Loss

    Tinnitus has a mind and agenda of its own and can, and does, do what it wants! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!
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    Got Screamed at Today... Worried :(

    @astaff14 I’m not a relationship councillor, but hey, that’s not normal behaviour. Nobody can tell you what to do, only advise, if he treats you and your tinnitus like that, there really is no hope. I wish you well. As far as the T is concerned, don’t worry, I’m sure it will drop back.
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    Six Years On

    Well, it’s now six years since I had Sudden Sensoneural Hearing Loss, complete and total in my right ear, caused by a TIA. Over a few weeks some distorted hearing returned and with it, this horrendous monster we call tinnitus. You will see some of my posts saying how I live my life, with all of...
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    Been Here Before — My Partner Is Now Complaining of Ringing

    Has she been tested for meniers?
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    Ear Fullness but No Infection?

    I have almost permanent full right ear, and my eustation tubes are working. They couldn’t give me an explanation for it. No wax, no infection. The tinnitus itself appears to cause mine.
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    Encouragement Needed Today

    @Bill Bauer Thanks, I’ve never ever been reckless. I had a TIA! @Tinker Bell thank you for your kind words.
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    Encouragement Needed Today

    I do use ear plugs, not cheap foam, but titanium centre, fitted at a hearing shop, but tbh, they don’t really cut out noise much in very loud situations, as bone conduction plays a part in hearing. But I have to say, I DO go to special events, because by not living my life, the tinnitus is...
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    How Do You Protect Your Hearing?

    Titanium ear plugs.
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    Poll: Describe Your Tinnitus Sounds

    High pitched ringing, both ears but at different pitches. Sometimes electrical humming, always unmaskable. Reactive, irritating and devastating.
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    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    I’ve had this loud intrusive and persistent tinnitus for 6 years. (Not caused by noise exposure), I have never habituated, but I’ve not stopped living and enjoying life. Yes, it sucks, it sucks like hell, but that’s life, and that’s the crux of it. I have life, not in the way I wanted to enjoy...
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    Struggling Here

    Yes I can have a drink, though I don’t drink much at all anyway, never have, but I do have a home INR test kit, so I can know my readings at any time. I tried one of the new generation anticoagulants, but prefer to have control so went back to warfarin. Over here they tend to think full...
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    Beta Blockers

    I take nebivolol, I’m not sure if it makes my tinnitus worse, but it certainly didn’t cause it.
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    Sometimes I "Feel" Tinnitus as Much as I "Hear" It...

    Yes absolutely! Fullness in my ear is worse than the noise.
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    Struggling Here

    I go along with the theory of a bleed causing the tinnitus, as I had a bleed/clot on my brain stem, which has caused this catastrophic noise in my head. I now take warfarin every day, for life as m8ne was caused by an undiagnosed heart problem. I live with the heart ok, but the tinnitus is a...
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    Tinnitus, A Personal View

    I believe there is no such thing as habituation. I’ve had this monster in my head for 6 years now. If it stayed static, however bad that may be, I’d get USED to it, but never, ever not hear or be bothered by the noise and fullness. Hate it, but I reiterate, I still live my life, and enjoy it to...
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    Feel Pathetic — New Tone

    Hello, sorry you’re so anxious about the cough, honestly, don’t worry. If we protect our poor noisy ears against normal everyday noises we wouldn’t have a life, and it’s not good to wear ear plugs all the time as when you take them out, your ears will be even more sensitive. They’ve got to...
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    Why Should I Be Positive... It's All in Ya Head

    @Nanny chocolate I so agree. Mine is so constantly changing, one day it’s liveable with, today mine's off the T Scale and my ear is full and numb too. It’s the constant challenge of having different noises and feelings every day that makes habituating so difficult. I stay positive though...
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    What Is the Mechanism of the Influence of Stress on Hearing?

    I think I’m under stress right now, and I’m blaming some eye drops I’ve been prescribed. However, I feel my tinnitus is so way off the scale stress isn’t helping.
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    Raging Tinnitus — Sertraline Gave New and Louder Noises

    No, I’ve not taken those, but I’m having a real nightmare after having to have steroid eye drops, etc. I think, IMO, ANYTHING can and does make us worse. Keep your chin up, Nanny, it will hopefully settle. I’m certainly hoping my huge spike gets calmer when I’m allowed to stop all the extra...
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    Ear Fullness?

    I’ve had permanent ear fullness for years. The hearing aid helps.
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    Does Your Tinnitus Volume or Frequency Change?

    Had mine 5 years now, after SSHL. It changes pitch, tune, loudness and feeling and balance every single day. No two days are the same which is why I’ve never been able to habituate to it. Nasty affliction, but life goes on, albeit changed.
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    Quieter in the Morning?

    As opposed to common belief, TOTAL silence is best for me. Any background noise will make my tinnitus unrelentingly dreadful. As someone else said on this thread, after an afternoon nap, even if it’s only 5 minutes, sends it off the scale, literally! Always!! Some days I have acceptable days...
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    Can Not Wearing Hearing Aids When You Have Hearing Loss and Should Wear Them Cause Tinnitus?

    And I thought I was imagining my tinnitus is MUCH worse while wearing, and after wearing my hearing aids. Now I know I’m not. And I’m not the only one! Thank you so much for this explanation, it really helps my understanding. I’m due to see ENT again. This will help me explain.
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    Omeprazole and Tinnitus

    I’m on Omeprozole, at only 10mg daily, it’s needed as the heartburn is seriously bad without because I take warfarin which is making my stomach sore. I had never linked it to T, and I’m not sure that I want to, I’ll worry about the acid in the oesophagus. This is all a tangled web.
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    I Have Reactive Tinnitus — Am I Making It Worse with Pink / White Noise?

    I’m my experience of reactive tinnitus, and in a word YES!
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    To Those of You Posting About Suicide, or the Ideation of Such:

    I come here just so I know I’m not suffering alone. Bad, bad day today. But never, ever suicidal. Life’s for living. As best one can in these circumstances.
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    The Iron Lid from the Tank Rattled

    Try not to overanalyse what may harm us, I think by overprotecting our battered ears and brains, we may get worse. We have to protect our ears in extreme circumstances, like a concert, but everyday noises we must live with or be driven mad. I’m having a particularly bad day of tinnitus today...
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    Tinnitus from One Ear to Both Ears

    Yes, i started in the right ear, after a TIA, and now have it severely in both.
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    Changes in My Tinnitus

    Yes, I’m having a dreadful day with it, but I’m hopeful it will drop back a bit, the headache it accompanies isn’t good either. Grrrrrr. And mine is NEVER maskable.
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    Does Anyone Have Fuzzy Thinking and Lack of Concentration?

    Yes me too, I call it brain fog. Some days much worse than others, according to how loud my tinnitus is on any given day.
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    Just Need Support and Some Positive Replies

    Headaches, us, mine are the headaches from hades and I think linked to my tinnitus bad days. You’ll adjust, you have to keep occupied and busy.
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    The Different Phases of Tinnitus

    My tinnitus fluctuates greatly. Yesterday was almost intolerable, I hoped that today it would at least reduce in volume and vibrations, and it has. I got through yesterday, so I can get through anything. I’m the invincible woman. Lol.
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    I Want to Give Up

    And go for that MRI. You’ll find it will give you peace of mind, it won’t stop the tinnitus but you’ll be ok.
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    Hearing Distortion (Reactive Tinnitus) Often Present in Meniere's

    I have distorted hearing and off-the-scale reactive tinnitus too. I had to stop using my laptop because of the humming of the fan causing reaction and switch to iPad. Not nice. You aren’t alone.
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    Should I Get a Flu Shot?

    Had my flu jab last week, no problems.
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    Dogs Ruining My Ears

    People love their dogs, but maybe rehoming to a loving caring home is an option?
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    Does Tinnitus Usually Go Away?

    I guess it’s all according to what caused it. I think most will not go away, ever, but we just have to accept and adapt.
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    Suicide Is NEVER an Option

    I live near him, there is NO support locally. None.... we are on our own.
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    Is Relief Just a Myth?

    Relief is my dream.
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    Change in Personality

    That’s a VERY astute comment. I hadn’t thought about it like that. Well said.
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    Change in Personality

    To put up with this incessant noise, I realise that I have become a very strong woman. So it has its positives.
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    Reactive and Constant Tinnitus

    Feel for you, and very much in the same boat. My T spiked a few weeks ago, and sometimes they do go down to a tolerable level, mine is also reactive. You just have to tell yourself it will retreat at some stage. I also have horrid feeling of fullness, which is worse than the terrible buzzing...
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    Ear Pressure and Fullness?! Possible TMJ?

    Yes, count me in, feels like my right ear is permanently blocked, can't be cleared ever. Not jaw related but in my case, blood supply.